
What We Do

Our vision is a world where a community’s future is not determined by its circumstances, but by the aspirations of its people.


We work around the world to help people overcome challenges and create a foundation for progress.

There is no one path for communities to follow as they rebuild; no single action through which people can reclaim their lives. Our work spans a continuum of support. Building on experience implementing 300 programs in over 40 countries, we look across sectors to respond as needs evolve and help communities navigate transitions.


Countries in 20+ years


of staff hired locally


Programs implemented

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Select Countries

Areas of Work

Program Highlights

About Blumont

Blumont is a global organization working with people around the world to take on the challenges that too often hold communities back. Our work ranges from helping people arriving at displacement camps to rehabilitating the services and institutions that allow communities to rebuild and move forward after a crisis.

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